Mogelkenstrasse 26
Gewerbegebiet Hainholz
30165 Hanover
Tel.: +49 511 352 1530
Fax: +49 511 359 0230
Represented by:
Hoppe-Schliff Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Managing Director: Mark Hoppe
Commercial Register Court: Hanover
Registration number: 54276
Register entry:
Entered in the commercial register.
Commercial Register Court: Hanover
Registration number: 24928
VAT number:
VAT identification number according to § 27a of the Value Added Tax Act:
DE 115699770
Image rights:
The images used on the website are partly subject to the rights of Shutterstock, Inc.
Concept and design: Agentur für Markenschärfung, Hannover
Photography: Hendrik Lüders
Editing: Thomas Hübener
Translation: Phonos Journalistenbüro
Programming: Plue
Disclaimer – Important legal information
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The contents of this website are created with the greatest possible care. However, the provider accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the content provided. The use of the content of the website is at the user’s own risk. Posts identified by name reflect the opinion of the respective author and not always the opinion of the provider. The mere use of the provider’s website does not constitute a contractual relationship between the user and the provider.
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This website contains links to third-party websites (“external links”). These websites are the liability of the respective operators. When the external links were first set up, the provider checked the external content for possible legal violations. No legal violations were apparent at that time. The provider has no influence on the current and future design and content of the linked pages. The inclusion of external links does not mean that the provider agrees with the content of the reference or link. Continual checks of the external links are not reasonable for the provider without concrete evidence of violations of the law. However, such external links will be deleted immediately if violations of the law become known.
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The content published on this website is subject to German copyright and related rights law. Any use not permitted by German copyright and related rights law requires the prior written consent of the provider or the respective rights holder. This applies in particular to copying, editing, translation, storage, processing or reproduction of contents in databases or other electronic media and systems. Contents and rights of third parties are marked as such. Unauthorised reproduction or transmission of individual content or complete pages is not permitted and liable to prosecution. Only the production of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use is permitted.
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Insofar as special terms for individual use of this website deviate from the paragraphs above, this is expressly referred to at the appropriate place. In this case, the special terms of use apply in each individual case.
Source: Imprint template in cooperation with Rechtsanwalt Hannover